hey there !

Patrick Gomez

CEO & Co-Founder

Over the last 6 years I have helped grow multiple small businesses from 6-figures to 7 -figures. But in 2021 I had a crisis.

I realized that working for a business limited my ability to grow and that my financial freedom was dependent on everyone other than me. So I jumped. I took a plunge into the world of entrepreneurship. I started my first company - SiteLyft - initially a fun idea that quickly ballooned into so much more. Built on the belief that the traditional agency model of delivery, service, and pricing was becoming extinct - I looked for a solution that offered driven owners of small businesses a way to get the quality of website they need at a price they could afford.

In pioneering the SaaS model of agency web design I have been able to help hundreds of small business owners built a presence online. With the launch of my new company AntiAgency - I am now able to help those same business owners dominate their market with cost effect, professional, digital services.